Expository: Why English is Confusing

First of all, In this I’m not talking about the class, I’m talking about the language in general.

I normally start my day off with a good old look at my trusty sheet of things that I want/need to accomplish on the day of viewing. Today, however, I was scribbling down something especially strange, and noticed how many silent letters there were in just a few sentences. English is confusing!

First of all, english was influenced by more than one language! In my opinion that’s a problem in and of itself. For instance, words like “danke” from German have influenced our “thanks,” but things like “subitō” from Latin influence our “suddenly!” That just makes it more confusing for anyone studying the language or trying to learn it. I’m always trying to figure out what root words come from, because I can’t look at one language and know.

And furthermore, our rules for words and phrases aren’t strictly followed! For example, we have a rule that if you have a vowel that is followed by a consonant and then by an “e,” the vowel is said “long,” but we have words like “have” that completely ignore that! I think that if we make a rule for our language, we should follow it strictly, so as to keep our language as orthodox as possible.

In conclusion, The English language  is based off of more then one language, which gives you trouble trying to find the roots of words and through that the meanings. Secondly, English has strange rules that it doesn’t even follow. English is confusing, and said to be one of the hardest languages to learn.

3 thoughts on “Expository: Why English is Confusing

  1. I agree, the English language is confusing, like how the word “too” is pronounced in the same way as “to”.
    Good reasons.

  2. I couldn’t agree more!
    Further evidence to support your claim: “air,” “err,” & “heir.” And how about “aisle,” “I’ll,” and “isle.”

  3. Excellent reasons! I remember being extremely angry when I missed a question on a test because I forgot one of those silent letters. The same weird spelling rules also caused me to lose at the spelling bee. Why can’t English be more like Spanish, which is actually more phonetic in terms of spelling and pronunciation?!

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