The Shivering Woods – Not Finished Completely

Everything comes to an end. Everything good, everything bad, everything. But that’s not what most people want. To continue without an end would give the world no purpose. If you could just stay, there would be a stand still. Your entire generation would just continue, never changing. Just continue.
That’s how the worn, darkened trees that lurked at the edges of the path looked. The trees obviously aged and grew, but they never died. They should have died decades ago, Sam was sure of it. The leaves constantly covered the ground, growing and aging, but never dieing.
As the girl walked through the looming forest of massive birch trees, she recalled the day she’d set out on this hunt for something that didn’t exist.
She’d been pacing around an coy pond built with old stones that chipped and cracked when you kicked them. A lady with an oversized monocle and huge, what seemed to be seared boots had stiffly shuffled over to her, and stood for what seemed to be ten minutes before she mustered the courage to answer.
The way the lady had began to talked, you’d think she’d been mumbling to herself about something she hated. ”
“Speak up mat- Ma’am.” Sam had said that first bit without realizing it had been rude.
The words she uttered were barely audible.
“We…we need you to, um, we need you to come to the of-office..”
“Well, um, my b-boss wants to see if you’ll do him some work..”
“Um… I’d probly need to know some things ’bout your company. I mean people don’t just waltz into a job interview without knowin’ who they’re talkin’ t-”
At that point, the almost quivering lady, who seemed to want very much to take off her horribly tall boots, cut in.
“He-he’ll ex-explain..”
She gulped.
“Well I’d still like to know who I’m going to me-”
“He’ll explain.”
The force at which she’d spoke that caught Sam completely off guard.
That timid little lady had just bossed me! she thought.
With all of the things she’d learned about the older woman in the last fifteen minutes was contradicted when she’d talked a moment ago. In the silent void the lady had created, she began to scuttle of in the direction of a brick building with iron supports. After the woman was about seven feet away, Sam began to trail after her, sometimes stopping to look at the bushes or flowers.