Warp Star :: A Story I Might Finish

The sleek, white ship was propelling itself at light speeds, whisking through galaxies and space stations like they’re blocks of a street. Being twenty times bigger then any other vessel in this quadrant, it was no difficult to run the sky-lanes. Inside, the ship was in a state of nervousness, as if the metal was waiting for something to happen. On the second corridor of the hundredth floor, a red headed woman strutted down the metal floor panes. She had overly exaggerated eye make-up, and was wearing a extremely tight dark blue suit.

The suitcase in the woman’s hand was seemingly normal, but on the inside was something different. Finally the lady reached her so called destination, only to look into the small, frosted glass window and stepped away in disgust, spat on the ground and muttered “Eck. Those creatures are sickening. I can’t believe the council allowed them on board.”

“It’s ready, Mrs. Marcheni. The polar capacitor is enabled at fifty six and two tenths percent capacity, and we have the hyper-gyros at fifteen hirhs. The progress on the core replicator isn’t clear, but we’re most definitely making progress.” The man that said that was short, round man with a business suit that was missing a top. His tie tightened a bit to far.

“Now.” Mrs. Macheni said, her strict voice seemed like it was holding down anger.