My Toy Bulldozer


Compfight’s Dashadima

When I was little, I just couldn’t do without my toy bulldozer. Out of my set of building vehicle toys, that bulldozer was the only one I really remember well. It was the most diverse play thing I had set eyes on. It had moving wheels and an operational front that could dig dirt out of the ground and throw it into the plastic little holding container on the back of the toy. It had four wheels that moved on detachable axels on its bottom. While I had it, I wouldn’t ever play with anything else. No bakogon, no Barbie, I loved to construct. I would push the little vehicle around the living room and tread on different materials like concrete and carpet. I had loved to build for as long as I can remember, and this toy was the perfect outlet for that bit of creativity. Without it, I would stop playing all together. I would just sit and wait for my beloved toy the be returned.

It’s A Small World

If you live in Austin, then you most likely know about a place called Barton springs, a massive, extremely cold natural pool that is always a good time to swim in. I’m seeing Barton springs as a joyful and fun environment as well.
First off, Barton springs is filled by a natural spring. How cool is that? You get to splash around in a pool that is large enough to were laps are a workout, and still have it be almost completely natural! I find that it makes the experience much better if you know you’re in a fun, natural area.
Not only that, but Barton springs is COLD! This may not seem like a good thing at first but I think of it as one. Cold is an excellent thing to keep you going. For instance, I run cross country, and when it’s cold outside, I do two times as well. There’s something about cold that just drives you onward. Not only that, but it’s naturally cold!
In the end, the pool named Barton springs is an extraordinary environment for swimming, and it is almost completely natural. All of these things combined makes this one of my favorite places in Austin, even though I may not be able to go there very often.