7th Grade Reflections

Seventh grade was definitely a burden, but it has also allowed me to gain lots of knowledge. It wasn’t as bad as sixth grade, since I already knew things like how to work with lockers, but it did have new challenges, such as taking a language. I signed up for Latin thinking it was going to be a blow-off class, but immediately noticed otherwise. We started off with a bit of memorization, and I got the vibe that this class was going to take a lot more memory than I had allocated to it in my mental hard drive. Another thing I hadn’t expected was having homework from almost every class, everyday. I know I most likely should have anticipated this, but I hadn’t given my homework load more as much thought as it required. Although it was arduous, seventh grade was a good year, and I much preferred it over sixth. For instance, in sixth grade, I didn’t know anything about classrooms, or how the classroom number went around the school, so looking for classrooms I needed to be in on the first day was nothing less than impossible. But now, in seventh grade, I was able to locate my classes before half of the passing period was finished.

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